The Afghan Date Converter tool helps you easily convert dates between the Gregorian (Miladi), Hijri
Shamsi (Afghan), and Hijri Qamari calendars. It’s quick, easy, and accurate for anyone who needs to
work with Afghan dates.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Afghan calendar (Hijri Shamsi) is the official calendar used in Afghanistan. If you
are traveling, planning, or working with the Afghan government or events, you need to
use this calendar. This tool helps you convert Miladi (Gregorian) dates to Afghan dates
and vice versa.
To use the Afghan Date Converter:
Select which calendar you want to convert to/from (Miladi to Shamsi or Shamsi to
Enter the date you want to convert (just type the year, month, and day).
Click "Convert" to get the result instantly.
It's that simple!
The Hijri Shamsi calendar is used for all official dates in Afghanistan, such as
holidays and government events. If you want to stay in sync with Afghanistan’s official
calendar or need to plan events, this tool will help you convert dates to the correct
Conversion errors are rare, but if you notice a mistake, double-check the date you
entered to make sure it’s correct. For complicated dates, try simpler ones first to
verify the tool's accuracy.
The Afghan Date Converter is the main tool for converting dates between the Miladi
(Gregorian) calendar and the Hijri Shamsi (Afghan) calendar. It’s easy and quick to use.
The Afghan date format uses the Hijri Shamsi calendar: year, month, and day are based on
the Islamic solar system.